Kurt Vonnegut said: “When I write, I feel like an armless, legless man with a crayon in his mouth.”
Same, Kurt, same.
Thing is, storytelling is the one thing I really, really, really love to do. So I keep on doing it. Some people think I do it well enough to give me money for it. Which I really appreciate.
We live in an increasingly fractured world, and now more than ever, we need stories that inspire us to do better than the bullshit out there: politics, radicalization, cynical polarization, social media hysteria, (mis)information overload, shallow gossip, meaningless dopamine addiction. You name it.
That’s my goal. Great stories that spark the same kind of Saturday-morning-at-the-movies excitement you had when you were a kid.
Look out for Extreme Prejudice, the debut Mike Stone action thriller novel. It’ll be available soon.
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Email me at des@desbrownwriter.com